Saturday, September 26, 2009

Potty Training

Today was a big deal in potty training for Kaitlyn. She does great all day at home as well as daycare, but she still has trouble in public because she DOES NOT like the flushers on big public toilets. We went to the mall this morning so that John could go to the grand opening of the Apple Store and Kaitlyn was in big girl panties. She told me she had to pee and I took her to the restroom. She was very uncomfortable and did not want to sit on the big potty, but she did and went. This happened twice. The toilet even self flushed while she was sitting there and although she shook like crazy because she was scared, she did it! I am seriously hoping the days of pull ups are almost gone.

1 comment:

  1. Sweet, like the blog! Another one to stalk, ha! Great job Kaitlyn! I am waiting until we have a crappy weather weekend to start PT, but I guess down in CA you probably don't have that excuse. Love the crafts, very impressed!
