Saturday, January 2, 2010

Day 2, January 2, 2010

It is a beautiful day here in sunny Southern California so I was inspired by some flowers in our front yard (and my neighbor's yard) while John was outside in shorts and a t-shirt washing his car and installing his new roof rack for his surf board.

The yellow flower is "messed with" in terms of saturation and color. The fence is not purple, but I thought it looked really cool that way. :)

Hope you enjoy!


  1. Oh that is a gorgeous shot of the roses with the flag in the back! Love it!

  2. These are really pretty photographs! It was such a beautiful day today! I wish I would have taken some pictures before I went to work.

    Love the one with the flag in the background.

  3. Darn it that I never made it outside today! I would love to get prints of those! It would look great in my mom's place with her Americana stuff!
