Sunday, January 3, 2010

Day 3 January 3, 2010

I babysat my niece and nephew today and Kaitlyn loves them! I let them take turns driving the Escalade Power Wheels that my nephew got for Christmas several years ago. This is them having fun.
I also took a couple of pictures that are kind of random. I love the different palm trees and zoomed in on one while we were outside.
The third picture is the thermostat to show everyone how warm it was today. :) In January!!


  1. I think I hate you! Subtract almost 50 degrees for our high today. I really like your random pictures.

  2. Sorry! :) Thanks for the compliment. I like being random. :)

  3. Hey, cute pic of the kids! They totally all look related, so cute! (Only Kaitlyn is like the random blond one, LOL!)
    I love that flower pic, that looks awesome!
    You and your running - I am totally proud of you. Maybe I can call you - or FB you, ha,ha - for some motivation after the baby comes.
