Saturday, October 31, 2009


I took Kaitlyn trick or treating at the mall and then in the neighborhood. She had a good time and there seemed to be more kids this year which is nice since we're about out of candy and won't be left with a half a bowl this year.

Here's some pictures from our trick or treating.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Weight Loss

I'm afraid I might be sabotaging myself. I've been doing really well with the weight loss challenge at work and have lost 8 pounds in 10 weeks. I'm finding myself starting to slip back into the old habits with eating though and it has got to stop.
I gained 45 pounds when I was pregnant with Kaitlyn and lost a lot of it when she was nursing. I gained a bunch of that back over the course of the last year and a half. Kaitlyn nursed until 13 months and I am fairly sure I'd lost like 30 of those pounds by then. I didn't weigh myself much then. I gained 8 pounds between May and September of this year so the 8 I've lost is really getting to an "even" place and now my weight loss should begin. I'm not, in any way saying that I'm fat. I just am not comfortable with where I am right now and would like to fit into some of my clothes that I had post baby at least.
I'm having one of those weeks. Not really trying to feel sorry for myself. I know that next week will be better!

Sunday, October 25, 2009


Yesterday Kaitlyn had the worst tantrum in a long time. The only tantrum that beats yesterday was our day in Manhattan back in May when she bucked in the stroller the entire time and gave herself bruises from the shoulder straps. She was doing this yesterday as well. John and I walked to CVS with her in the stroller (that she chose) and she fell asleep. She woke up in CVS and was fun until her dad said "no" to a toy car that she wanted to play with. She started freaking out and he took her outside while I paid. The ENTIRE walk home she screamed "no" and cried and kicked her shoes off and tried to get out of the stroller. It was terribly embarrassing and annoying. What is it about toddler tantrums that make your blood boil? I honestly laughed most of the walk home just to keep myself from freaking out. John did not even walk with us anymore. It was crazy! By the time we got home she had calmed down and told her dad that she was sorry. After about an hour I took her to the park and she had a nice meet up with her BFF Emma and played for about an hour or so. It was a good way to end the day considering it had gone so badly for a bit.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Christmas Shopping

So, I got some Christmas shopping done today. I actually did the layaway thing this year. I remember doing it for my little sisters years ago, but have not done it for Kaitlyn or even Alyssa, ever. I was a little embarrassed doing this at Kmart since they're the only store who does it around here for toys. Kaitlyn has no new toys. She's been playing with the same ones forever. I got her the coolest toys on layaway today. I only have to make 8 payments of $29 and the stuff will be mine on 12/4. :) It helps during these furlough days that I don't have to come up with $156 all at once for one child. I think she'll be "into" Christmas this year so it will be fun to see how overwhelmed she gets with all the toys. Alyssa is getting makeup and hair stuff that she has already asked for. There really won't be any surprises in there. What do you get the kid who wants for nothing? It is hard to shop for her. Oh well!