Sunday, October 25, 2009


Yesterday Kaitlyn had the worst tantrum in a long time. The only tantrum that beats yesterday was our day in Manhattan back in May when she bucked in the stroller the entire time and gave herself bruises from the shoulder straps. She was doing this yesterday as well. John and I walked to CVS with her in the stroller (that she chose) and she fell asleep. She woke up in CVS and was fun until her dad said "no" to a toy car that she wanted to play with. She started freaking out and he took her outside while I paid. The ENTIRE walk home she screamed "no" and cried and kicked her shoes off and tried to get out of the stroller. It was terribly embarrassing and annoying. What is it about toddler tantrums that make your blood boil? I honestly laughed most of the walk home just to keep myself from freaking out. John did not even walk with us anymore. It was crazy! By the time we got home she had calmed down and told her dad that she was sorry. After about an hour I took her to the park and she had a nice meet up with her BFF Emma and played for about an hour or so. It was a good way to end the day considering it had gone so badly for a bit.

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