Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Weight Loss

I'm afraid I might be sabotaging myself. I've been doing really well with the weight loss challenge at work and have lost 8 pounds in 10 weeks. I'm finding myself starting to slip back into the old habits with eating though and it has got to stop.
I gained 45 pounds when I was pregnant with Kaitlyn and lost a lot of it when she was nursing. I gained a bunch of that back over the course of the last year and a half. Kaitlyn nursed until 13 months and I am fairly sure I'd lost like 30 of those pounds by then. I didn't weigh myself much then. I gained 8 pounds between May and September of this year so the 8 I've lost is really getting to an "even" place and now my weight loss should begin. I'm not, in any way saying that I'm fat. I just am not comfortable with where I am right now and would like to fit into some of my clothes that I had post baby at least.
I'm having one of those weeks. Not really trying to feel sorry for myself. I know that next week will be better!

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